The SEO Contractor | BEST SEO AGENCY
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Your company needs local SEO services to get to the top of search engines.


SEO is the process of making a website and map listing go from being virtually invisible to showing up first in search results. When talking with an SEO contractor, it is best to consider SEO like building credit. Moving up takes time and requires adding relevant content on the web about your company. Google will begin to trust you more and more, therefore improving your website rankings.

Fixing the Roof

Businesses Owners



of people surveyed say SEO is better than PPC for generating sales1



of marketers actively invest time in search engine optimization (SEO)2



SEO (Search Engine Optimization) means being found in search engines like Google. Although Google's algorithms continuously improve, it does not stop people from searching. You need to be found, and The SEO Contractor is here to make sure that happens. 

SEO Agency

Your Competition Is At The Top & They Love That You're Not

Your competition is happy your not using the best SEO company.


The reality is that SEO is a reward given to you by Google for being a strong authoritative company. Whether Google puts you at the top of the map listings or organic listings, it's because they think you're the best result for the person who is searching. The best result isn't accidental; it's earned. We earn you this by working hard to show Google that you are the best.

SEO services for small business

We give Google what it needs to move you up by constantly putting relevant content on your website and linking back to your site. The SEO content we deliver for you is accurate, and we can share it. We are transparent with our monthly work so that you see everything. Unfortunately, not many SEO contractors are this honest.

Finishing Touches

Target Keywords


of Americans said they have used some kind of voice technology.3



The first thing people do when they perform an online search is type or do a voice command using keywords. People use many different words to find your business, but specific keyword phrases are often searched more than others. We are experts at identifying the most search words that are also the best for your customer who is ready to purchase.  

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Web Traffic

is among the top two most-common measurements of success for content marketing4



Content is by far the driving force of Google. Every time we go to a search engine, we look for information in some form, and we want real, accurate content. If we are searching for a business, we are trying to learn everything about that company and its product/service. We give your customers and Google exactly what they want, which is relevant trust-building content to know about you.


Ranking Reports


of users say they use Google to discover or find a new item or product5



To be found on Google, you have to rank at the top when someone types a search keyword. We make sure to share with you the exact words you are ranking for, and we report on the progress of those rankings. We are transparent with our work, and we want you to watch your rankings as they move up. To validate your investment, we must monitor these results together.


The Future of SEO 

It's common knowledge that Google algorithms are ever-changing, but the philosophy remains permanent. Google must deliver the person searching with the most relevant result for their search. Therefore your business must continue providing the most relevant content online. We maneuver through the changes by focusing on relevance6 accurately representing your company across all Google search features.

Computer Keyboard
​What You Get With Your Monthly SEO



To SEO optimize your site to rank in Google, we must actively grow the strength and authority of your website. The companies at the top are consistent.


  • Targeted keyword research & reporting. We find your search audience, understand what they are typing in Google, and report your rankings to you. 


  • Content marketing & onsite adjustments. We make sure to perform all the proper website adjustments like content, meta, H-tags, alt-tags, CTA's, etc., and add content monthly to grow the site.


  • Natural outbound & backlink building. Links out and back to your site from other websites and blogs are crucial to the growth of your site. We make sure to acquire and grow links naturally and with relevance.


  • Customer consulting & transparency. When dedicating your budget to online marketing and SEO, you must be in the loop. We keep you informed of everything we do, why we do it and share the results of the success of your campaign.

Why Choose The SEO Contractor

We administer a broad spectrum of the most dependable SEO management, website design, and PPC advertising solutions for your business.


We can work with companies from anywhere in the United States. Our team of professionals will capture your audience precisely, utilizing strategic digital marketing services that will improve your clients' engagement with your company.​

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Tell Us Your Needs
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SEO With Results

that will increase rankings, generate traffic, deliver content, and convert your audience into paying customers.

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The consistency of delivering healthy content that will grow your website domain authority is crucial. Strengthening, Lifting, and Finding, The SEO Contractor places tremendous importance on your customer discovering you because of how Google ranks your site.

We manage your monthly SEO so that your customers searching can find you. Our goal is to continually deliver people who trust your business because it is at the top.

Read Our Reviews 

See what our customers

have to say about us.

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All Services One Price 

One easy monthly price to get real

experts bringing you customers.

People often ask


What SEO Specialists Do
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Is SEO Waste of $
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How Long Does SEO Take
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How Much Should I Pay
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What exactly does an SEO specialist even do?

Read the full article on our blog.


This is the big question that many company owners have, and it is an extremely valid question. We can't attest to other SEO agencies, but we know what methods we perform monthly, which are tactics that any good SEO company should be providing for their customers.




Search Engine Optimization for a business requires real work both initially as well as monthly. The problem is that the work is not measured the same as if you were to pay for ads. For instance, if you pay for an advertisement online most likely with Google, then those ads can easily be quantified.


You can see the individual ads created, the impressions those ads show for, and the clicks and calls those ads receive. It's cut and dry and somewhat simple to understand for a contractor who is not in the digital marketing field. The problem with Google ads is that you pay to play, and when you stop paying, you are gone.




When we provide SEO for contractors, we are achieving the same results as paid ads, but our workload is much different. For instance, our goal is to get your website and local listings to show in Google as impressions. Someone searches and those listings got to the top of Google and clicked. Once visiting your site, you then hope to receive a call.


It's the SEO workload that becomes confusing to contractors, but it is quite simple. Since we are not paying to get your listings at the top, then how do we get you to the top? The short answer is that we build your website so rich with content and backlinks that it gains high authority with Google.


If Google feels that your website's SEO is stronger then your competition, it means Google believes that your site offers your customers better user experience and that your site has more relevant content that your customers are seeking.




This strength is why Google chooses to put you at the top above your competition, and we have to get you active. Getting your contractor website to grow its authority is like going to the gym. When you first start, you are the skinny guy in the gym or, in this case, on the internet.


You have to go consistently and do rep after rep targeting all your muscle groups. It might take six months to a year of consistency, but if you don't give up, then you will transform. If you give up, even after a year, you may lose everything slowly over time.




So the reps we do consistently to grow your site are very strategic, but they are also tightly focused. We first research and find the correct keywords that people search, and we target those like a sniper. We can share this data and these words with you because they are measurable. Other tactics include writing content both on the website and off the site.


This content also can be shared with you so you can see what we are writing. We build links back to your site from other websites as well as internal linking within your site. Again these links can be shared with you to see the work we are performing. Lastly, we track your rankings and watch the movement on Google. These rankings can also be shared as reports so you can witness the results of your SEO campaign.




SEO does require real and precise work that can both be shared with you as well as measured for results tracking. If you are working with a current SEO company who can not share their workload with you, then this could be a real problem. It could mean that they are not doing much, because if they were performing the work as mentioned above, then they could also share that work.

Question 1
Does SEO really work or is it a waste of money?

Read the full article on our blog.


The short answer is that SEO does work, and it can grow your business offering your company an ROI. The reality is that it could also very much waste your money if done incorrectly. Keep in mind that every industry and every company needs to approach this a little differently based on their targeted needs. For instance, a dependable SEO agency like The SEO Contractor can look at your business and tell you upfront the realities of your campaign. Some industries in some local geographic areas may be much more complicated than others to rank. Also, some contractor websites may perform much better than others, while newer smaller companies may take more time. Each case is individual to the needs as well as the current situation of that company.


When you decide to start working with an SEO consultant, the first thing they must do is to research the correct targeted keywords. They must also examine the targeted geographical location that you are trying to reach. This research will show you the volumes per month that your target customers are searching for and from what cities precisely. These reports will also tell us what the competition looks like and our abilities to compete with these specific keywords. In other words, we don't want to focus on a keyword that is searched by many people but is also very competitive. This focus could take you years to reach the #1 spot and become a waste of money. It depends on the individual situation.


We plan our customer's SEO campaigns by focusing on the sweet spot between targeting high trafficked keywords that we know you can rank for sooner than later. We try to focus on what we call the "easy wins" so that as we grow your SEO over time, we are getting easier words to the top. Even if the search volume is less, we are at least gaining traffic. While we do this, we also continue to push the more difficult words as well. The reason for this is so that you can achieve results quicker even if they are small rather then just waiting and spending money on substantial future results.


Before deciding to invest in SEO, you need to have a specialist deliver you an SEO report. This data will help you plan your attack based on your current company and situation. This way, you can see the number potentials for yourself and decide if this investment will be right for you. SEO does work for many businesses and contracting companies like yours, but you need to know the real expectations upfront before you jump in the game.

Question 2
How long does SEO take to start working?

Read the full article on our blog:


This question is tough to answer because there is no answer. Every single case will be different, and no two situations are the same. The reason is that Google doesn't even know. There are absolutely no guarantees when it comes to Google's organic search results. We can tell you some general ideas based on the actual results we have witnessed in the last nine years ranking contractor websites.


First off the reality is that you will need a minimum of 3-6 months to see any significant movement. The general rule of thumb, though is 6-12 months to see real results. The customers who beat their competition every time, though are the ones who stay consistent for over a year and continue their campaigns ongoing. We have had customers with us for nine years and many who are 2 + years. These customers by far beat out their competitors, and since they never gave up, they have much stronger authority with Google.




  • New Websites Have To Start In The Very Back

  • Websites Who Are Page 2-5 Will Move Quicker

  • It Takes Google Roughly 1-3 Months To Recognize New Backlinks

  • If You Stop SEO, Your Competition Won't

  • If Your Not Doing SEO Then Don't Expect Top Rankings

  • Sites Building Backlinks and Onsite Blogs Perform Better

  • Direct Traffic From Branding Is The Key Factor To SEO

  • Large Websites With More Content Do Better

  • If You Stop Before 12 Months Then, You Screwed Up




If you are considering local SEO Services, then your mental approach should be to choose a budget that you are comfortable with for the long run and I mean a 3-5 year plan. This plan doesn't mean it will take this long to get results; it just means that you should incorporate SEO as an ongoing marketing campaign. You don't want to look back three years from now and wish you started SEO, and you don't want to give up before then because you chose an overly large budget hoping results would happen immediately.


You also don't want to do SEO only and no other forms of direct brand marketing. We suggest this because this approach of expanding your marketing beyond just SEO is what our most successful customers do. Their competition wants to be like them but can't seem to fathom the idea of pushing through the beginning phase of SEO. In other words, they give up, and then they blame SEO rather than themselves while there competition benefits.

Question 3
How much should I pay for SEO and is it cost-effective?

There are two answers to this question. First, you need to choose your budget based on something you can comfortably manage for a minimum of 12 months. You do not want to bite off more then you can chew hoping to gain immediate results because you will be disappointed. If you choose a small budget then even the best SEO company, cannot perform enough work monthly to move your results fast enough. In other words, if you choose a low budget, then you need to expect the results to take more time. If you select a large budget, then we can perform more work, but the initial results could still take 6-12 months minimum.


Every case is different, and there are no guarantees. We suggest spending enough money that allows the SEO company to do enough work but does not also break your budget. We recommend a minimum of $1000 per month, and with us, unlike most agencies, we do not lock you into any contracts. Our most successful contractors spend an average of $2k - $3k per month and have been with us for over two years. We also have large companies that are targeting a wide geographic service area paying in the $4k - $5 range.


If you are a smaller company with a more modest budget, then $500 - $750 can work for you, but your expectations should be that it may take longer. This route, of course, could be quicker if you are in a smaller, less competitive city. This option is still better than doing nothing, but we would not recommend it seeing as our most successful customers pay $1000 plus. If your competition is spending money on SEO, then most likely they are doing this budget as well.

Question 4

When People SEARCH Do They Find Your COMPANY?

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1. The statistic comes from the site and the full statistic reads: In a survey conducted by Databox, 70% of respondents said that SEO is better than PPC for generating sales. (Databox, 2019). The SEO Contractor is not responsible for the data collected to prove this statistic, nor are we responsible if the information on the hubspot website is changed, removed, or incorrect.


2. The statistic comes from the site and the full statistic reads: About 64% of marketers actively invest time in search engine optimization (SEO). (HubSpot, 2020). The SEO Contractor is not responsible for the data collected to prove this statistic, nor are we responsible if the information on the hubspot website is changed, removed, or incorrect.


3. The statistic comes from the site and the full statistic reads: As of 2020, 62% of Americans said they have used some kind of voice assistance technology. (Edison Research, 2020). The SEO Contractor is not responsible for the data collected to prove this statistic, nor are we responsible if the information on the hubspot website is changed, removed, or incorrect.


4. The statistic comes from the site and the full statistic reads: Web traffic is among the top two most-common measurements of success for content marketing strategies. (HubSpot, 2020). The SEO Contractor is not responsible for the data collected to prove this statistic, nor are we responsible if the information on the hubspot website is changed, removed, or incorrect.


5. The statistic comes from the site and the full statistic reads: 49% of users say they use Google to discover or find a new item or product. (Think with Google, 2019). The SEO Contractor is not responsible for the data collected to prove this statistic, nor are we responsible if the information on the hubspot website is changed, removed, or incorrect.


6. The full details of the definition come from the site and the definition reads Relevance: how closely the elements of your ad campaign match what a person seems to be looking for. The SEO Contractor is not responsible for the accuracy of data collected to prove this definition, nor are we responsible if the information on Google's website is changed, removed, or no longer correct.

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